

摘要“守一”之说源自《老子·十章》的“载营魄抱一”,是指专注于内在之魂魄,使形体不离,与道相合为一。到了汉末六朝,以“守一”来做为修仙养生之法,而所守者,则为三丹田的三一道家思想之守一之道,头部九宫的雄一、雌一,以及守身中诸神徊风混合的帝一。到了唐宋以后,更由于内丹修炼之盛行,因而也有人将内丹修炼之方式,引入“守一”中,于是守一即是炼化精、气、神“守一”之说:载营魄魄抱一,使三者合一。 from the words “ the and souls and one” in Laozi, “ to ” meant to on the inner and keep them from the body and thus unite with the Tao. Till the end of Han and six , as a to , it means to on the three or the three and on the male ,in the nine in the head as well as the of the winds and in the body. Till Tang and Song“守一”之说:载营魄魄抱一,with the inner道家思想之守一之道,“ to ” meant to unite the道家思想之守一之道, and in .

